Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Weather Is Such A Biter

Blah days like the one outside tends to match my mood.  Just feeling so blah at work today.  I'm in this mindset where I feel so...discouraged?  Sad?  Bitter?...because of whom I have to work with.

I should check myself.  I've always said I'm no better than the next person.  Unfortunately, I'm starting to believe it.

When my manager today tells me, "good job...our numbers have been low in enforcement for food safety, and you're bringing it up", I do tend to believe stuff like that.  Doesn't mean I feel good about it, but at least my manager acknowledges it (as opposed to my dumbf*ck supervisor).

Again, I think these are signs...

(Bonus part of today?  Sharon brought my baby to work for a visit.  Always a pick-me-up to see my Sir Chunksalot)

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