Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sang It, Monica

Felt like it at work today.  One of the badder days in a while.

It's hard to have enthusiasm and motivation to work when you work with an imbecile.  Seriously, I never had such little confidence in the management team as I do right now.  I don't think, unfortunately, that I'll ever be happy about this situation unless the management team changes (ie. some of them are let go/retire).  But obviously nothing like that will happen.

Might as well be complaining to the wind.

I also had to assist a student PHI at the end of the day where I closed down a restaurant.  Finished the day past 6:00pm.  Why should I care so much?  Seriously, what am I trying to prove?  Doesn't do well for the psyche sometimes.

BUT, good thing when I did get home:  got to see my chubbalubbs boy and Mistiesen passed by as well for dinner.

Take it day by day...

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