Friday, May 10, 2019

Counter That With Frustration

Staggering to the finish line here...this never ending kitchen reno just needs a few more things, most notably the counters. While the counter people came for measurements last month, the actual counters themselves are still on a boat from China, and expecting more delays. Well I guess that explains why the price for these counters was almost half the price of the competitors. I can wait it out though, but I can’t wait out my impatience. Meh. 

Almost there? Almost. There. 

*  *  *

Finished my annual Mississauga Marathon 10k Race last weekend. Not the best time, as usual (56:30), but I guess okay for not training. But the better part of the race weekend (aside from eating wings with everyone after the race)? The next day running Eamon’s first 2k race. And he killed it! 10:45 with no stopping and a helicopter parent behind him videotaping him as he ran (lol).  I’m surprised my legs/body lasted but all-in-all I’m super proud of him. Hopefully he keeps running and doesn’t just, you know...Nintendo Switch :s