Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Not An Insurance Policy

So we went to a "Baptism Preparation Class" today (yeah, apparently our Church is the one where you have to do all sorts of extras instead of just signing him up like other Churches).  I'm not sure if I learned a lot.  All I seem to remember is that we don't have him Baptized because we think of it as an insurance policy just in case there is a God and we want him to go to heaven.

Yeah, because that's the reason I want him Baptized.


*  *  *

Should I turn on the a/c?  Apparently I have to wait until my legs completely melt off.

Sharon told me she knows when it's summer when I start to get the smell.  I would be offended, but, you know, it's true

Monday, May 30, 2011

Yeah, That Motivation Didn't Exactly Work

It was really one of those "no energy days".

I better get my act together...it's gonna be a hella busy month.  No whining!

Gogogogogo Monday

Let's do this!

(Is it getting sad that I have to hype myself up every Monday -- or every day, for that matter -- just to get going?  Not yet, I must tell myself.  Not yet.)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day With Duddy

So MelTom came over this morning and delivered the portrait of Eamon she worked on.  She is an incredible, talented artist.  I think it's great to know we know someone who does work like that.

Then Eamon had a day with Dad.  We went to Argay's place and met up with Ian, Maunly and the big-feeted cute Grayson.  He did the predictable "play possum" with them.  He also ate a ton.  Like Dad.  When we went to the Mexican place (yum) followed by the gelato place (yum).

It was supposed to be an afternoon/evening off for Sharon, but I feel bad because she spent it cleaning the house due to all the dust from the removal of the fireplace.  She claims she didn't mind because she loves a clean house, but I still feel bad.  I mean, I wanted her to at least get a nap in, but she didn't.  Sorry bub!

Even worse?  Tomorrow our boy is getting his first round of vaccination shots.  Ohnoes...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It Really Is A Water Festival

So this year the festival wasn't that busy at all because of the water.  Well, the rain, anyway.

It was the easiest but hardest overtime I've done in a while.  Easy because there was not that much to do, but hardest because, well, there was not that much to do (I've always prescribed to the whole "time goes faster when you're busy" notion).

Then when I got home, I finally finished removing all the brick from the fireplace.  Now I know what I'm working with...now let's see when this fireplace will actually be completed

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Few More Months...

...a few more months and this colicky baby will be over it.  Dear gawd I hope.

I'm really beginning to fear it's putting quite a strain on Sharon (and me too, but I can't really say anything because she's the one who is home with him the majority of the time).

Hang in there bubba...

*  *  *

It's that time of year again where I work at the Water Festival.  Hope tomorrow is not ridiculously hot

Thursday, May 26, 2011


So there's this game on my Blackberry called Brickbreaker.

I don't play it.

I do the real thing.  Cause I'm a real man.  Right.

Dang, taking a bit too long for my liking.  Sucks too that it's getting really dusty in my house.  Argh.  Can't wait for it to be done.  If only I knew what I was doing...

*  *  *

Had lunch with Kats today.  Convo made me wonder about my future career aspirations.  Gonna be a hectic mess in my head again in the near future.  Yikes

Burning Three Ends Of A Candle

At least maybe that's how it feels like?  Mind you, I do this all to myself.

Gym, work, baby, reno-ing...yeah...I definitely do this to myself.

There will be enough time to sleep when I'm dead!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We Can Do This

Only a few more months of exhaustion as our boy has colic.  I've accepted the fact that he is quite like his father; a bit too sensitive.  I don't know if Sharon has. I mean, I'm not sure Sharon likes the idea of two of us types in the house...lol

But really, we can do this.  Just have to hype ourselves up, as he means the world to us.

Come on my boy, you can get through this...

(...so can we)

I'm On Fiyah

So I actually started with the fireplace today.  Dang ol' bricks be heavy, but I'm halfway to demolishing it.

And what did I find after removing all that brick?  More brick.

Dang.  Hope this doesn't put my plans up in smoke

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Please Calm Down Baby

Our poor, colicky baby.

Read somewhere that his temperament might be underdeveloped and sensitive.  I guess all that wishing and hoping that he not inherit that from me went all for naught.

I can't get frustrated or upset though, because that right there?  That's me and I understand.

Poor Sharon...lol

Lovely Day To Spend Outdoors...

...too bad we spent it indoors.  But, whatever.

-went to Jool's BioPed for the orthotic adjustment.  Hope this "metatarsal" adjustment doesn't peeve me off like I think it's going to
-dropped off Eamon at my parents as we went to help Tita Chit pick stuff for her bathrooms reno at Rona.  Made me want to start renovating all over again
-got my hair shorn
-had last minute invite to Tita Alice's house because Tracy and Dennis was there with Baby Emma (who is super-cute and super-calm.  Why can't our baby be like that?  lol).  Ended up staying much longer than we thought

It was a long day, and not enough time spent outside.  There will be other days...especially since it wasn't the last day of the world as some people predicted today

*  *  *

My Dad is funny:

So we were at Tita Alice's house, and the conversation went to my cousin Bobby who lives in Boston with his wife Ning and their baby Calvin.  The convo went to whether or not they would have another child.  Tita Alice said that they did not want another baby.

My Dad said (outloud, of course): "maybe she still thinks she's in China where they have a rule against having more than one child?"

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Dreaded "C" Word

We're really, really hoping it's not.


Eamon's been the fussiest he's been today than he ever has.  Inconsolable child alert...we're hoping it's a one off though.

I still love him though

*  *  *

Long work week.  Glad it's the (long) weekend.

Thy don't have any attachment to thee, Queen Mum, but thank ye regardless

Every Weekend Should Be A Long One

If only.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Like Vancouver. I Think. I Wouldn't Know.

So this weather has been quite...grey.  Is this what it's like to live in Vancouver?  I would like to live there.  But if this is what it's like...well, I think I have get over this SADD first.

Speaking of Vancouver, it was a nice to see Beevy in town (and Mistie, albeit shortly).  Miss the friends.  Wish they came back so that we could promptly not see each other...lol

*  *  *

JulesBuh:  stop overthinking!  You know, be...the complete opposite of me.  Then you'll be all good.

Although I wouldn't know

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another One Of Those Days

I dunno, maybe it's the weather that is making me all mopey, but work lately has been...blah.  Had a pretty busy day today dealing with an outbreak, which I haven't done in years.  Needles to say, I've been on pins and needles just hoping not to screw it up.  I felt like a rookie again.

On top of that, I had to have a not-that-pleasant conversation with an idiot operator.  People really irritate me.

Again, I think it's one of those moment I have to toughen up.

But the day did end nicely, playing a winning bball game with some much needed points.  Not that I'm completely into individual stats, but dang...I've been sucking it up lately

Maybe They Needed A Sixth Guy?

So we went to Five Guys Burgers yesterday with Beevy.  After giving it "another chance", I've decided it's just okay.  In other words, I don't think it's a place whose burgers I would crave.  I mean, if I found myself there, I'd eat there, but I don't think I'd make a special trip just to have it.

We then watched Bridesmaids, which was actually pretty funny/sad at the same time.  I'm not sure if it's because it's the first movie we've watched in the theaters in a long time (in-laws babysitting ftw), but it was enjoyable.

Now then, if I can only stop from being a whiny baby and accept going to work today...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Did That Happen?

Gawd we're so Asian...lol.  "Camera?  Pose!"

It also explains where I think I could've shaved some time off :S

*  *  *

Good (and increasingly rare) times with all the boys and wives (and kids!) today, as they all happened to be in town.

Macsen the 7 month old is so big and cute and smiley.  I can't even imagine my boy getting that big.  Yikes


I'm catching up to Argay!

So I found it crazy how fast this year's edition of the Mississauga Marathon 10km race came.  And I don't mean fast as in my time (he-yooo).  I didn't have a fast time, but the important thing is that I beat Arvin.  Bragging rights for a year baby!  Too bad he's beating me cumulatively in the seven years we've ran it 4-3.  I better step it up for next year.  Or at least get him to not join, then I win by default.

(I don't know who invited that flew-in-from-the-west-coast-specifically-for-this-event-but-not-really long strided freak BJ.  Damn guy had to beat the both of us).

Anywho, I think it's typical of me to be disappointed with my time despite the fact I did not do any training this year (isn't that always the case, though?).  I should be happy.  I mean, it's always my goal to beat 50 minutes, but this year I was expecting to be more in the 52-53 minute zone.  Much to my surprise, I did a 50 minute 15 second run.  Instead of being happy, I of course focus on the fact that if I just ran 16 seconds faster I would've been there.

What can I blame it on?  I think I blame it on the fact that I was choking on the gatorade they handed out during the race (as I do every year), weaving in and out of the kids in front of me, and of course posing for the cameras along the course.  But of course.

And of course we had the annual post-celebration at Turtle Jacks for wings.  You know, to just totally throw out the work-out we just had.  This year's celebrants included Arfeli, Beevy and Nikkonor (Lizanor ran her first 10km race and did awesome).

Races like this make me motivated to keep running.  Especially now, when I think, "I'm doing this for my baby boy!" when I cross the finish line.

Other notes from the race:
-had two chips, as I picked up Ian's kit but he didn't run it this year.  Luckily I beat him by 0.4 seconds...lol
-didn't get to see Mr. Ryan, my high school religion teacher I always see every year.  I feel like that tradition has left, but I looked at the results and noticed he didn't run it this year
-Milton Lester didn't show up.  Dang boy
-every year I think I can cheat at the 9km loop and just skip it altogether.  Every year I chicken out
-I have to alter my running technique.  I tense up my arms too much when I run.  I feel like I just did a bicep workout
-no blisters for the first time in a long time.  Yee-uh!
-funny times at the end, when Argay and I took the bus to the parking lot (as Sharon drove home the rest of the people) where he was supposed to park.  Get there, and he realizes he didn't park there.  Then he realizes that he didn't have his keys.  Then he realizes that he didn't have his cell phone.  Then I realized I didn't have my phone.  Then we both realized we didn't have a wallet.  Tanks Gawd for Tikka Tikka restaurant who took pity on our pitiful butts and let us make a phone call.  But of course when I called Sharon she thought it was a crank call.  So Arvin called Feli, and luckily she picked up.  Anywho, it was funny until I realized Eamon didn't eat in hours, but funny nonetheless when we had that realization that we were essentially stranded

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Well That Was A Long, Tiring Day...

...but it was nice.

-woke up, went to get estimate on repair for Camry from Ray
-picked up Beevy and went to Mississauga Marathon Race Expo.  Pleasantly surprised that the shirt given this year for the 10km race was a tech shirt (as opposed to a cotton shirt).  Unpleasantly surprised that there was no free Power Bar.  As BJ pointed out, "always looking for the negative".  Yes, yes I am
-went to Sherway Gardens and met Sanju with her boyfriend Jacob.  Knowing I had a race the next day, I did what any sane person training would do:  I ate a dulce de leche and banana crepe
-went to groceries because...
-cousins from Chicago (Mar, Meng, Mark) passed by, with the extended familia.  Really sad we can't make it to the wedding cruise in August, but we are planning on going to Chicago for the reception in September.  Excited!

And now...Eamon cannot sleep because he's been sleeping for the majority of the day.

I have an excuse for tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Always Easier To Say Than Do

So I had to deal with stupid people today again.  First guy in the morning whom I dub "Goofball Idiot".  Second guy in the afternoon whom I dub "Angry At Government Idiot".

At least the first guy is nice; he's just an idiot.  The second guy (whom I met before and who decided that it was a good idea to curse me out...but not that guy who threatened me) is just a plain old imbecile where no matter what I do he will be angry.  I "tattled" on him to his manager, but with my luck his manager will take his side.

Some days (most days) I think I'm just way too sensitive.  Simple things that do not add up to me (ie. being nice to someone, being reciprocated back with venom) make me upset.  A little too easily.

How in the hell do I toughen up?  I keep telling myself I have to (and I desperately want to), but I fear I'm just not built that way.  Sigh.

I hate people.  Well, except you.  I like you.  Yes, you

*  *  *

Time to make some decisions about work again.  Days like today make it clear for me; other days?  Not so much.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So I think tiredness is catching up to me.

Of course it doesn't help staying up late last night watching the Triple-Overtime Thunder vs. Grizz game.  And then waking up early to do an investigation for work.

And then playing a basketball game after work.  Which, by the way, I am supremely disappointed with myself with.  Another HORRIBLE game by me.  I just didn't have any gas in my tank (have you seen gas prices lately?  Ha?).

I gotta hype myself up here.  I mean, come on man...you've been training for this!

On another note, a more pronounced muffin-top seems to have surfaced (and over my belt).  Sigh

Oh It's Monday?

So Beevy is in town and we went to go visit them.  I hope we didn't turn them off of having kids...lol

Arvin was there, and he said "man, it feels like a Friday".  And for a second, it did.

Then I realized what day it really was

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Madda's Day!

To all the Mother's out there, especially my own.

And to a new Mother who is doing the best job possible in raising our son...thank you and I love you Bubs

*  *  *

Hate how the weekends go by so fast...

Friday, May 06, 2011


Been feeling David Bowie lately.  Don't know too too much about him, but when I found out he sung this song, I started to appreciate him even more:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qzsYdbl3Yw

Other songs I like from Bowie:

Friday? Friday. Tanks Gawd.

Jeez, when did I become one of those people that seem to be "just hanging on", waiting for the weekend?  Yikes.  Sign of age.

*  *  *

Had lunch with JulesBuh today.  Through her, I see myself:  constantly striving for happiness, always seeking for perfection, never fully accepting my own self.  This can't be good.  Especially since there is nothing wrong with her, mentally and facially (me?  Well, that's debatable...)

Sleepless Nights?


Poor wifey; the boy just wants to stay up all night.  I really can't complain here because Sharon gets the worst of it.

But...Friday!  What

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Baby Boys Ahoy

So we just came back from Gil and Marie's house, where my (smart as in PhD smart) cousin Bobby was visiting from Bahhhhstin with his wife Ning and their 2.5 year old boy Calvin.  Calvin is cute because he has the biggest head I've ever seen.  I'm pretty sure he's going to be (academically) super-intelligent like his parents.

It was also fun to see Xavier and Calvin interact.  And then I did my usual "overthinking" and started to think about how Eamon is going to be when he gets a bit older.  Yikes...don't grow yet baby boy!  I don't think Daddy is ready yet...

(gawd I'm so going to unintentionally embarrass this kid when he grows older, what with my emotional tendencies...)

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Oh, Is This What Is Going To Happen?

Courtesy of Trannifer:

The Canada I knew and love is changing.  For the better?  Not in my idealistic ideals.

The Rob Ford-type people are winning like Charlie Sheen...blah

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

When Will He Stop Eating So Much?

Okay, let me first state that we're very happy that Eamon likes to eat.  A lot.  A lot lot.  He's at it like every 1.5 hrs, and he's gaining good weight.

I do, however, feel bad for Sharon.  She's always so tired.  Just another few months (years?) of this.  Right?

*  *  *

Go figure:  played ball, and I scored exactly 0 points.  My team, though, won by 30 points.  Which leads me to believe that either the other team really sucked, or my team does not exactly need me...lol

*  *  *

It's that time at work again where I'm gonna be going all HAM doing inspections (I always wanted to reference that saying).  Feel guilty for skipping the gym, but I gotta do what I gotta do, I guess

Monday, May 02, 2011


Had one of those moments today.

So I drive to the different premises I inspect.  I have a backpack that contains my computer, printer, signage and other materials.  I always leave the bag on my passenger seat because I don't want the bottom of it to get dirty if I leave it on the floor.  My bag is so heavy that it triggers the sensor for the "put on seatbelt light" for the passenger seat.

The problem I have is that whenever I make turns, my bag has a tendency to fall down, so I'm constantly adjusting it, and usually while driving (yes, dangerous).

So tell me, What The Hell, Why Didn't I Think Of That Before?

Strap the damn seatbelt on the bag.

But of course...it worked.  Just hate it when the simplest answers take so long for me to get to

*  *  *

Election day today.  I live in Liberal town, even though I've always been an Orange Crusader (and for no real reason either.  Perhaps because orange just happens to be my favourite colour?).  Could this be the day the NDP beats out not only the Libs but also the Cons?

Doubt it.  But whatever, as long as Stephen "Dubya North" Harper doesn't win.  Doubt that too (and it's all because of you.  Yes, you)

Sunday, May 01, 2011

The Maturity Shines Through As Always

So I have this ridiculous habit of visiting stupid websites.  The latest one that I enjoy?  World Star Hip Hop.

Even the name is stupid!

But they always have hilarious (to me, at least) videos that makes me laugh.
