Tuesday, January 01, 2019

2019? 2019!

Well dang. 2018 went by fast.

A few days ago we took Eamon to his first musical (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), and I may have enjoyed watching him watch it more than watching the actual show. From his random ass questions (“is that guy really playing video games up there?” as he watched a character pretend to) to his random ass laughing in random parts where he laughed loud and the people around us were highly amused by this, it was quite amusing for me.

Kitchen renos? Not done yet (of course) but I do see some light at the end of the tunnel. Just gotta open my eyes more and stop being so unproductive!

Went to a small New Years party last night at Dormatt’s place. Fun times!

So with that said, my yearly resolutions that I inevitably become mediocre at by the middle of the year but am learning not to be too hard on myself when I get mediocre:

1. Less phone time! This is gonna be crazy hard but I swear I’m aware that it’s an addiction like drugs. I really have to limit it and realize that too much information for my curious mind is not good sometimes (my brain is always on overdrive and I don’t let it relax and reflect when really I should)

2. No texting and driving! Not that I’m admiting I’m doing this (never know who’s reading this) but I really have to smarten up with this one

3. Be in the now. Enjoy experiences more without regret with the people I like and love

4. Work on that anxiety. Realize that all the past decisions and mistakes I’ve made in the past is just that...the past...and work on the present and future with a clearer mind and heart

5. Travel more? Well we are going to London and Paris in February (!!)

6. Exercise more. Maybe not so mediocrely

7. Eat out less. Errr...we’ll see about that

Anywho...it goes on so life goes on 😁


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