Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm A (Dream) Gangsta

So this morning, I recalled a dream I had two nights ago that made sense of why I did what I did.

I was dreaming that I had a pistol in my hand and that I was all gangsta and what not (the fact that I say "gangsta" obviously indicates I am anything but). I remember getting into an argument with someone in my dream, and then going up to them and pistol whipping them on the head and yelling, "what now? WHAT NOW?!?"

And that's the reason I was hitting Sharon on top of her head in the middle of the night and why she woke me up and why she was saying, "hey! HEY!"

It's funny sometimes when dreams get incorporated into real life. Even funnier when you get someone else involved.

You know who doesn't find that so funny? Sharon.

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