Friday, July 09, 2010

Rock(ed It Out) Of Ages

So we watched Rock of Ages and it was way less than half-bad. In other words, it was better than half-good.

The story was "eh" but the music was pretty okay. It felt like a singalong. The only problem? The lead guy was from Quebec and when he sang I couldn't help but think of Roch Voisine. And the lead girl was Maria from Sound of Music and when she sang I couldn't help but think of...Maria.

But otherwise, not too bad soundtrack (apparently I'm white with tight jeans that are bedazzled and I have big hair):
And of the course the horribly overplayed but still good:

(Did I just spend all that time finding these songs? wtf?!?)

* * *

We also ate at Royal Meats BBQ. Not too bad actually...looks like it may be a revisit (if I was ever back in the area)

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