Wednesday, March 10, 2010

PeePee Monster!

So funny thing happened in the middle of last night: I went to the bathroom (well, that's not the funny part). Unbeknownst to me, Sharon got up a few seconds after I did (she didn't recognize I left the bed), and proceeded to need to use the washroom as well.
Well, I was already standing there when she opened the door and screamed "AHHHH", which of course scared the hell out of the both of us. I screamed at her, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?" (although I really did get startled and it was just a natural instinct because she consistently screams that way to me). She replied, "I have to go pee!" I said, "well me too!"
So she used the other washroom. I'm just really glad I wasn't in mid-stream when it happened, otherwise it might've been a disaster.
Good news to this? I went back to our bed thinking, "great, now I only have a few more minutes before I have to get up" (because I usually get up to go to the washroom a few minutes before I have to wake up). My body even felt ready to go to the gym. But what time did this happen? 1:00am! I was so happy I had four more hours of sleep

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