Sunday, August 07, 2011

Eamon Can Now Go To Heaven

At least I think that's how this Baptism thing works.

Great day with the family and friends for Eamon's celebration.  The boy was a good one!  Didn't cry when he got the water on him (funny aside:  our "bedtime routine" for him is to give him a bath, feed him, read him a book, and lay him down to sleep.  After he got the holy water on him, we sat back down at the pew.  I think something triggered something because he skipped the feeding and the reading, and went straight to

Did have a snag with the catering guy coming 45 minutes late.  I was going to yell at him when he finally did come, but then when he offered some money off we weren't too upset.  And really, who am I kidding?  Since when am I a yelling kind of guy?  lol

After (and during) the party, I remembered why I don't like having them:  it's a lot of work!  But then again, if we don't do this for our son, who would we do this for?  Plus, our very generous family and friends lavished awesome gifts for our boy...we are very, very lucky; lucky indeed.

Thanks to all those who came out and those who sent their well-wishes because they couldn't come out

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