Tuesday, May 08, 2007


So for my birthday present (even though, according to her, we don't do that kind of thing) Sharon got tickets to the Phat Opera. Errr...Phantom of the Opera.

"Now where the heck did I leave my face..."
I'm excited! Haven't ever watched this critically-acclaimed show before, and always wanted to.
* * *
My excitement has been somewhat tempered though by news I found out from one of my friends at work; it's a possibility she'll be leaving the Department. Not only that, when she has a baby, she's planning on leaving permanently. While I would be very happy for her, for purely selfish reasons I wouldn't want to see her go. There are few people I genuinely like without reservations at work (or in life, for that matter), and she's one of them.
Oh well, nothing stays the same (that's not a dramatic overture at all)

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