Wednesday, July 08, 2009

"What Arvin Wanted To Be When He Grew Up?"


"A teacher?"


So we had a couple's night dinner/board game Taboo-a-thon at Arfeli's place last night. Good times. Team Sharson won against Arfeli and Beevy, but then the boys team couldn't beat the girls team. I would like to think it's because one certain member from the boys team (starts with "A" ends with "rvin") was freaking out while he tried to say his clues. You'd think he was at a border crossing or something.

But regardless, it was fun and lead to this awesome display of Taboo-ness from Arfeli:

Nefeli: you use this to cut hair (not real question, but a similar question to it)

Arvin: I don't know


* * *

Miami! Have a feeling I'm gonna be exhausted tomorrow

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