Sunday, July 05, 2009

Young Nervous Drivers of BC/Ontario

So BJ and Ives passed by today, and we had the bright idea of teaching BJ how to drive (as Ivy has a standard back home in BC that BJ, well...doesn't drive). Seeing a good time as any, it was a great time for Sharon to learn too.

And the best part? Seeing as how both of them get super nervous when driving, it was doubly awesome when Sharon was learning and...a police officer came to us (we were in the parking lot of a high school). He wanted to see what was happening; and ended up laughing and letting us go. Sharon? Maybe not so much.

You learn best when under pressure, no?

* * *

Apparently I think I'm on vacation mode already. I've been eating all sorts of crap the last few days...better smarten up before Thursday and em-eye-aaaaa comes a knockin'

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