Saturday, October 16, 2010

Does This Mean I Get To Get One Too?

So Sharon ended up getting a blackberry.  Do I get to get one too?

We did cancel our home phone line.  We just weren't using it and paying what we were paying wasn't worth it.  So two blackberries would be?  Let's go with "maybe".

We also ended up going for a nice car drive up to Caledon and to Terra Cotta Conservation Area.  It would've been nice to see the nice Fall colours of yellow, orange and gold.  Unfortunately, we only saw yellow and a bunch of naked trees.  Wowza, I guess it means its time then...the cold be coming.

And finally to celebrate our anniversary, we went to East Side Mario's (don't know why we can't get enough of that horrible place).  I think I consumed something like 7245 calories.  I'm dying here, and have some terrible itis

(that's itis, not tits.  Well, I do have some nasty man boobs, but that's besides the point)

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