Saturday, October 02, 2010


So we found ourselves in Buffalo (leaving at 2:15pm, nonetheless).  We went to find Sharon some boots, and the inevitable happened:  I ended up buying everything.

Started the purchases at Mighty Taco (always wanted to try it ever since I was young and saw the commercials on TV).  Result of that culinary experience?  Meh.

Then got myself a nice pair of cheap-ish shoes, a hat and scarf set from Forever 21 for pretty cheap (just realized how gay I sound by stating the preceding part), a few plates to replace the one I broke a few days ago and what I always end up getting whenever I go to Tar-jey:  Fruit of the Loom underwear (21 pairs for cheap!) and Chex Mix.  I don't think I'll ever run out of underwear.

I also thought the same thing I always think of when we're there:  how the hell do people live here?!?

We then went to Johnny Rockets at Fallsview Casino because I had a $15 certificate that I paid $7 for from Groupon.  Unfortunately, that $8 we saved went towards the $10 parking.  Luckily Johnny Rockets is one of my favourite hamburger joints ever.

I think I have to start exercising more again.  But I'm so dang tired...I think getting sick knocked my system out for a bit

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