Monday, May 15, 2006

That Stress Off My Mind

The presentation didn't go that badly. I got good feedback, and the crowd was receptive.
* * *
Before I did my presentation, I went for lunch. As I was entering the building, I heard some chirping, and this feeling someone was following me. Turns out that someone was a duckling. I was going to run late and there were other people around, so I thought the duckling would leave me and follow them. Apparently, though, I seemed to be it's Mommy. Maybe because I petted it? I dunno, but I was sad to leave the duckling. I had to.
Then when I left the building a couple of hours later, I went to look for it. Couldn't find it. But I did see a duck with a bunch of ducklings following it. I hope that duckling that was following me was with that pack.
* * *
Met my student I'm mentoring (tormentoring?) for the summer. She seems nice, hopefully it won't be like that debacle from last year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.