Saturday, July 09, 2011

Swimming. Or Not-Being-Aware-Otherwise. Whatever.

So today was swimming lesson two.  Fun times (for Daddy, yet again).  Eamon?  I still don't think he knew where he was.

But on an encouraging note, we received nearly a dozen compliments just from the pool today about how cute he is.  For the win!

*  *  *

Worked Carabram last night, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  In fact, it was quite good.  I even ended up getting some Macedonian food for dinner (yumyum).

At the Hawaiian pavilion, I met the food owner who happened to be married to an Indian man.  They had two sons, one mid-teen and the other about to enter university.  I think I had a glimpse into what Eamon will look like in the future.  Except he'll be more handsomer.  I'm gonna have to believe this

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