Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yay Work!

In a completely surprising development, I recently became...excited at work due to me getting, well, work. For the past two weeks I've pretty much been sitting idle at work. Literally. No complaint calls, no rabies, no anything. And I couldn't do my regular work too fast because a)It's only the beginning of February and I've already gotten a lot done; b)I'm still waiting to see if I will get transferred; and c)If I was to stay, I'd need some calls for my student to do.
I never realized how crazy I was getting doing almost nothing at work. Crazy I say, crazy!
* * *
In other FANTASTIC! news, I'm on a hot streak in winning at Cash for Life. It all started a couple weeks ago when I bought a ticket on a whim, won $8, got two tickets, won $4, got another ticket, etc. So today what happens? I win $20! Yee-uh! I think I should just cash out. But then again, I'd prolly waste that money on something else anyway. So I think I'll tempt fate again.
And I brought this up at work: imagine a lottery where you win $5 a year for life. In 10 years, you'd have $50! That would be the best lottery ever.

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