Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How My Mother Reacted To Babies Having Babies

So my ever-amusing parents are funny to me (I covered this before). I called them up earlier today to let them know about my niece. My Mom wasn't home at the time, but my Dad was. I told him, and he said that he would tell my Mom when she got home.

So my Mom just called, and this is how our conversation went:

(Mom): "Soooooo...what's the good news?!?"

(Me): "Well I don't know if it's good news for [my cousin], but she's going to be a Lola"

"Wow! I'm so happy!"


"That's so good!"

"Mom, it's not Sharon"

"I'm so happy!"

"MOM, it's NOT Sharon"

"What? Who then?"

"It's [my niece]"

(even funnier when you consider it's an old Filipino woman saying that unexpectedly in a serious tone a split-second after a happy tone)

"Ummm, I think Dad tricked you"

"Yeah, your Dad tricked me. He told me that Jason and Sharon had good news about pregnancy" (you wonder where I get my tricked-you!-sense of humour?)

Anywho, so my Mom went on to say, "I knew it! When I saw her two weeks ago, I knew something was different"

"Sure Mom"

"No, I knew it! I just didn't say anything!" (and you wonder where I get my I-already-knew-that-so-you-didn't-really-surprise-me-even-though-I-might really-be-surprised thing that I do?)

"Sure Mom"

"Okay, so are you sure you guys are not pregnant?"

"Bye Mom"

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