Thursday, December 16, 2004

Mental Blurbs

Of course one of the most exciting Raptors game, and I miss it because I was working (more on that, later). Matt Bonner? Trying to be Tie Domi? Nice, although Kevin Garnett says it's "bullshit". Seriously, trade Vince and Jalen. Just do it already.
Working these overtime shifts where we have to buy food doesn't bode well for my "diet". I put these in parenthesis because I don't know quite exactly what diet that is right now. But seriously, I ate so much today it's sickening. I should make myself lurch and barf. Well, maybe not.
How do you convince an old woman who is so certain that a specific restaurant made her sick may not be the case? Argh.
I had a bootleg of "House of Daggers", and dammit it didn't work because it's in the wrong region. Dammit.
I seem rather pessimistic and angry, but really, I'm quite happy right now.
Found out a lot of things about my managers today. Hope I never get on their bad side.
I should go to the gym tomorrow, but I am just not up for it. Maybe on Friday. Maybe.
I wish I knew how to play the piano well. Growing up, I tried to learn it and be patient with it, but that didn't pan out. I had other interests. Maybe one of these days/years, I am going to take it up again. Right now, though, there are too many things in life to try.
Christmas time soon? It certainly don't feel like it. Dang...I AM getting old.
Funny thing written in Chuck Swirsky's column that made me laugh (and made him quite obvious):
Jared from Toronto: I was at Sunday's game against the Heat and it saddened me when I saw Vince Carter joke around with Shaq after the game. Can't he just go to the locker room after the game? I pay good money to see my team and expect them to be upset when they lose.
Chuck: I completely understand. You make a valid point.
Oh Chuck...while slighty gay, you do make me laugh. You should've at least added in a "Boomshakalaka!"
Wow, I wrote a lot today. Hopefully it doesn't get erased. Oops, I might have just jinxed it...No? Score!!!

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