Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A Great Thing Happened

I lost all the money I won last night! That is, I lost it at Fallsview Casino. Why does that statement sound insane? Well, here's the thing: it left me with such a crappy feeling, that my "cravings" to go to the Casino are no more. It's easy to win money you never had just as it's easy to lose money you never had. Heck, it's even easier to lose money you do have. So, with that said, I have finally come to my senses and am now off this kick of wanting to do something I wouldn't normally do. I hope. The quesy feeling is still with me, though, and I prolly won't forget it.
I had a pretty good 52 minute 10km run today. Looks like I'll be set for Saturday. I hope. I really, really hope. The runner's high afterwards made losing that money feel like I spent it for that high. Except I can get it for free. Okay, so looks like I won't be going to the Casino for a long time then!

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