Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Bubba, When Are You Coming Back?

I miss having a lunch to bring to
Admitedly, I've been quite lazy preparing my lunch for work. Usually my wife does it, but she went away for the past couple of days for training. And so, I have been horrible and eating out for lunch a lot. Luckily, she's coming home tonight. I hope. (Can't wait to see her reaction when she reads this)
Today, I figured, if I'm gonna go bad, I may as well go bad all the way. Got myself a big box meal from Taco Bell.
Yeah, I have a feeling I know how I'm going to be feeling in a few hours
* * *
So I started shovelling this morning at around 6:00am, thinking I'd be done in 15-20 mins. so that I could still go to the gym. Problem was, it was the heavy snow, and I finished in 40 minutes. So by the time I got to the gym (remember, people don't know how to drive, so the traffic goes much slower), it was already 7:20am. So basically, I just went there to take a shower. But that's okay, I went to get an oil change for my car right after. And then it took me 50 minutes to drive to work when it would normally take me only 15 minutes. Yeah

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