Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Confidence Is A Funny Thing

And by funny I mean crappy when you think you have it, but then it quickly deflates.

Straight to the point, I had my worst game of the basketball season (and during our do or die playoff game, nonetheless).  I shouldn't complain because I mean, we did win, but from being the league leader in points to having no points at all (on horrible shooting)?  Damn.  And I was feeling good going into the game too.

I'm going to blame it on the following:  car fell on my (non-shooting) hand; had wings for lunch; knees and feet aching; and, last but not least, I just plain suck.

Maybe I have to change my workout routine to add more shots in the morning, as well as ballhandling drills?

(what is this, the NBA Playoffs?  I'm so sad...lol...wait, no, really, I'm sad right now.  Will be better tomorrow no doubt)

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