Monday, November 22, 2010

Hey Remember That Time A Car Fell On You?

I can remember it like it  Wait, it was today.

Flat tire on Sharon's car + crappy jack + asphalt surface + typical careless me = hand wedged between fender and wheel

I'm not even surprised anymore when things like this happen to me (much to the chagrin of my wife, as well as the car whose fender is now bent up).  I am surprised that my hand is not broken (it was seriously stuck, and I had to force it out, much to the dismay of my skin).

I'm also surprised I'm not dead yet.  No, seriously, I'm like a real life Tim the Toolman Taylor.

On the brightside, Sharon didn't freak out (as much).  I was kind of hoping though that she would acquire the superhuman Hulk strength required in a situation like this.  But then I realized I'm not her kid and half my body wasn't wedged under the car.

I suppose this isn't really a laughing matter or anything.

Then it's agreed:  I will live my life to the fullest now after this traumatic experience

(and yet I still joke about

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