Sunday, October 09, 2011

Fore! Years Later...

...I play golf.  And I didn't only play golf, I played 27 holes of golf.  Needless to say, I'm feeling quite drained, especially since it was an unseasonably warm (felt like heat stroke) day.  It was one of the best showers I've had in a

Regardless, good times with Ron, Mel and Henry at the all-you-can-play Oakville Executive Golf Club.  And I only lost 6 balls!  I mean, I sucked out there and it's true that it's not like riding a bike -- you can't just pick up where you left off.  Apparently you do lose skills (not that I had any to begin with).

I think the next time I play might have to be four years from now again.  Good thing I don't have my own set of clubs or shoes (borrowed from Gil).  The cost for golf is very prohibitive, especially since I have other dreams of what to spend money on.  Plus, I can't imagine Sharon being happy with me leaving for a whole day to play.

After golf, I went to my parents for Thanksgiving.  Eamon was actually not too moody today.  It's crazy to think how big Xavier has gotten, and how small Antonio is.  It was like seeing a spectrum when all three of them were there (with the exception that Eamon is most likely going to be much fatter than his cousins were/will be)

*  *  *

Spent all day yesterday outside as well, enjoying this warm weather.  Did yard work, cleaned the car, organized the garage.

Danny also finally came by, and with some luck, the fireplace will finally be installed in the next few weeks.  Jeez, I really hope.  I mean, Sharon really hopes, so I really, really hope so

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