Sunday, April 10, 2005

Tension Whore

So I went with Sharon to Hamilton to drop off some stuff for Debbie. Debbie told me that I'm an attention whore (apparently not tension whore). Now, I may be one, and my friends often try to tell me I'm one, but when another person tells me I'm one, I get offended. Go figure. Besides, I don't go looking for attention, attention goes looking for me. I swear!
Then I went to Sharon's and had my first barbeque hamburger of the year. It's gonna be a yummy summer.
Looking at all those people biking today on this beautiful day made me even more comitted to buying a recumbent bike. In addition to that, I would love to have a motorcycle, seeing all those people taking their bikes out. Apparently I want to maim myself.
Got home and went for a jog around the FMG track. Whereas last summer I was huffing and puffing doing 8 laps, this year I'm already up to 12. Yee-uh! Although jogging directly in the sunlight without sunglasses hurts. Ow, my retinas.
Went to Ken's to shave my hair. Now I have to pluck my moustache and beard, as Sharon says I look like a Dirty Chinese guy with it.
Some words of advice from my Dad today: "Don't gamble. You shouldn't gamble at casinos. You should drink instead. If you drink a lot, you get drunk, and that's the end of that. If you gamble, you can find yourself losing $10,000 because you can't stop like drinking and then you're addicted." Thanks Dad!

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