Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Apparently the most important thing in a marriage, according to the speakers today. What did I remember most about our second marriage class? Well, at the beginning of the class, the speaker asked for a volunteer to say a prayer. There were over 40 couples, but no one wanted to say the prayer. Until...a woman volunteered (much to the delight of everyone staring down at the tables).
This is how her "prayer" went:
"Okay, I guess we'll start with the sign of the cross thing? (everyone proceeds to do the sign of the cross) Okay, so I would just like to say let's get this show on the road so we can get the hell out of here!"
Then she promptly sat down. And some people even cheered.
wtf?!? I was embarassed, almost even appalled. Why the heck would you want to get married in a Catholic Church then if you don't even want to be there? I mean, the speakers were already saying that you shouldn't be getting married in a Catholic Church if you don't want to. Even more stupid was her prayer. It wasn't even a prayer! Man, that guy is lucky to be marrying her...
(keep in mind though, that I wouldn't ever volunteer to lead a prayer. But at the same instance, I wouldn't also say anything that horrible either)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can understand your embarassment. I'm not Catholic and even I think that was extremely rude and disrespectful.

You have to remember that not everyone in the class is Catholic though. Common sense would say that if you are not Catholic you wouldn't volunteer to say the prayer, but maybe that's how prayers go, for the sake of argument, in a Protestant church? Haha. Kidding.