Sunday, July 29, 2012

2 Parties, 2 Poles

So we went to two parties today, and both parties seemed like they were on the opposite sides of the spectrum from each other.

The first was at Nancy and Sherman's place with all the kiddos (Don/Sarah and Arvin/Bonnie were there too).  Great fajitas and lots of conversation about,  Fun times (no snark)!

The second party we went to was for Ryna's Engagement Party at the Absolute Condos.  Where the main objective for a lot of these (childless) people was to get absolutely trashed.  Good desserts and good conversation about, well...everything else but kids.  Fun times (no snark)!

I like both sides.

Of course both parties were tempered with the fact that Eamon is teething and as a result getting a fever and vomiting.  Poor kiddo.  Never gave him so much tylenol before like we are now.  Hope those teeth just cut through as soon as possible

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