Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Juhky Reborn

So since my last, rather inspiring post about my new love of football (only people who don't know and aren't wannabes call it "soccer"), I have crossed the threshold of really rarely recreational player to rarely recreational player. I went to Walmart and found this on sale:

This will definitely make me a better striker
Well, not the exact same ones, but shin guards nonetheless. I can't wait till the next time I play so I can for sure look like a poser. I'm thinking about getting a jersey with the name on the back saying, "Juhky."
What else was I doing at Walmart? Well, I was buying tennis balls. Arvin and I are going to play tennis, for reasons unknown. Should be interesting since the last time I played I think was three years ago. I should prolly find my tennis racket...

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