Monday, December 11, 2006

In The Ahhhhh

That's hot because it looks like she's touching a...nevermind
Sit ubu sit! Good goat!
Taj Mahal Kita Babeee
Buddha? Or just plain gay?

Sharon finds this hot because it looks like I'm touching a...nevermind


Anonymous said...

These are great pictures Jason!

It is too bad that Blogger won't let you post more than 5 pics at a time, but I am enjoying your commentary on each.

I do have a solution to your problem however... if you create an account at then you can upload entire albums and then post the albums to Blogger. Just sayin. I did it with my wedding photos if you wanted to check it out... probably in the Sept archives.

huhboy said...

I had a picasa account, but for one reason or another had problems with it on my computer. No matter though, as I didn't exactly have a lot to do yesterday on my last day of vacation. I just like to, you know, complain

Anonymous said...

Picasa or Picasaweb? Picasaweb shouldn't do anything to your computer since you don't download anything.

But yeah... complaining can be cathartic.

Anonymous said...

Picasa or Picasaweb? Picasaweb shouldn't do anything to your computer since you don't download anything.

But yeah... complaining can be cathartic.