Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Looking Around The Office...

...seeing where I'm at career-wise.  I don't know.  I just don't anymore.  Or did I ever?

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Eamon is getting older now and more and more smarter.  He makes me happy

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Linked to this song before, but not this version:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVWT0BJq0GA&feature=related


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Debbie is over until New Year's...nice for Eamon to spend quality time with his Godmother.

Who am I kidding?  It's nice having a babysitter

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Went to physiotherapy today for my hammie.  I'm not sure if it worked.  I mean, it is feeling a bit better, but so would time.

Time heals everything.  Or so I hope.  I really hope

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