Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sometimes It's Easier To Be A Party Goer Than A Party Hoster

So the first turkey took way longer than I hoped it would.  But then the second turkey took much shorter than I thought.  So all-in-all, it wasn't that much a disaster.  I think.

I think I also have to credit good ol' KFC  for supplying the party with their delicious, addictive gravy.

(Aside:  everytime I go to KFC, I feel sad for humanity.  The patrons always seem way too unhealthy and sad and bitter.  And yet, I'm a patron myself.  Hmmm...)

It's a nice tradition meeting up with the high school friends.  It does get a bit tiring, but it's worth it.  And the adjusted time slot this year to lunchtime helped a bit.

Oh, and I had some of the best cupcakes I've ever had in my life.  I never thought Lizanor would be the maker of it, but hey, I'll take that surprise.

I guess I really should catch up on some sleep now.  And tomorrow, it's the start of the leftovers...

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