Saturday, May 05, 2012

Will This Be The Kick In The Butt I Need?

So Argay, Ian and I did the Mississauga Marathon 10k Race today.  They both had blistering sub-50 minute times.  I did it in 51:14.  Needless to say, I'm not surprised and of course a little disappointed in myself.

Perhaps this will be the wake-up call I need to get back into exercising a lot more.  I'm hoping this summer when I get into a routine with WNV that I'll be able to exercise more/workout (again).

Being sub-50 is nothing but a dream again.  But I have never been anything but a dreamer, so this is not necessarily a bad thing.  Just got to make the dream a reality*.

Oh, and it's officially not a competition anymore...Argay seems to be on track and it will take me too long to catch up to him again.  Mind you, the competitive nature never really goes away...

*if only it were that simple

*  *  *

Accomplishment:  ran a 10km race!

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