Sunday, September 02, 2012

Wings For A Reception?

Oh heck yeah.  Granted it wasn't a "real" reception as Cheyanne and Chris got married in the DR a few months ago, and this celebration was at Lionheart Pub (a few minutes from our house), but still...I had wings for dinner.  And it was awesome!  Big roaster style sings, fried and seasoned perfectly.

Which reminds me, I've been hitting the food way, way too hard recently (emotional eating much?).  I've gotta start upping my exercise (I think I have a 10k race in a few weeks...yeah, good luck with that one) and watching my diet a bit more (really, really good luck with that one).

On the brightside, this bedroom is really coming along.  Now it's just onto some of the tedious stuff (i.e. filling in joints, sanding, painting).

And that will make it one room down, three rooms and a hallway to go.  Yeah, seriously, what was I thinking?  (as if Im not actually enjoying seeing the results)

*  *  *


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