Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Just Cashed In

A few years ago, I witnessed a woman hit my car bumper as my car was parked in a space and she was attempting to leave.  It got scratched heavily, but I deemed there was no structural damage to the bumper itself.

Instead of becoming angry, I just let her go.  It was just aesthetic, right?  Learn to let trivial things like this go.  Pay it forward, so to speak.

I think I just cashed in on it today.

As aforementioned, I got into a little car accident yesterday (my front bumper got the brunt of it; the van had a scratch on the rear bumper.  Insert "Stereotypical Asian Driver Joke" here).  I hit a kid driving his Dad's van (no injuries or whiplash, thank God).  His Dad and I spoke on the phone, and he asked me if I wanted to go through insurance.  I told him I didn't care about my car damage, I cared about his, so I didn't care.

Today he called me up and told me the damage to his car would've cost $15 in paint, so he told me not to worry about it.  I was willing to give him $100.  I even told him I would...but he said not to worry about it.


I'm a lucky bastard.

Moral of the story?  Pay it forward sometimes.  Now I'm going to have to do it again, which I gladly will when given the right chance

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