Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sitting Down At Work

Today was quite a sitting on my butt day at work.  Course in the morning, meeting (that ran overtime, smh) in the afternoon.  Then I had to rush outta there to pick up the kid, only to find out my parents did instead (they came over to visit, as well as my bros and Marie and the boys).

Then we went to Costco with my Dad where I bought a hot dog what (one of my favouritest meals).

I'm tired, but good.  Tomorrow we will be on our way to La Belle Province (or something like that) so that Eamon can visit his Godmother/Auntie before she moves to Ottawa.  I am quite excited for smoked meat; gonna avoid the lines at Schwartz's and go for Smoke Meat Pete's instead.  I'll also visit Simon's, even though I'm in no mood to shop for clothes.

Just hope Eamon doesn't break down during the long-a** car ride

*  *  *

Just read the Soprano's-like conclusion to  Loved the guys optimism about life and the likes there of.  I'd like to adopt the same mindframe more often than not

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