Monday, March 07, 2005

I Really Am An Old Man

Cholesterol Pills already?!? Yep, that's me. Got my blood test last week, went to the Doctor's today, found out it actually went up from the last time I was there. Then again, I'm not really that surprised because I've been eating like shit throughout the holiday season and past. I told you wings would get the best of me.
Other than that, I had a day off today and:
-played basketball in the morning. Got demolished against a 19 year old kid. I was huffing and puffing like crazy. People say you're only as old as you feel. Unfortunately, I feel old.
-worked out. Stayed at the YMCA for 2.5 hours...haven't done that in a long time.
-went to visit Lola
-went to buy a veal sangwich at the bakery near Little Caesar's on Bloor St., but it was closed. So I bought a $5 pizza from Little Caesar's. Then I went to San Francesco Foods and bought a veal sangwich anyway (which was frikin' awesome). And I wonder why my cholesterol is high. (I've been on a veal sangwich kick lately; kinda like how I go on Pad Thai and chicken wings kicks. I gotta kick the kick habit)
-did some laundry
-went to Dixie Park to order new contact lens. The owner there is convinced that Sharon works at Bell Mobility (Sharon went there recently for contact lens). He is a misundisconfused person, obviously
-went to the Doctor's office
-came home and replaced the air filter in my car, getting the new air filter dirty while replacing it. I am so ready to be an automobile mechanic
-surfed the net
Which brings me up to this point, and it's only 6PM! I guess I'll just fold, iron, and dream about the things I want in the near future, noteably:
-4 piece drum set
-ping pong table
-Bose home theatre system
-big screen LCD TV (either Sony or Panasonic)
-Cubed Computer with LCD monitor (just cause)
-basketball net
-house to put all this stuff in
One day, one day. If only I had a lot of money.

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