Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Yehey Sapatos!

So I finally got "Clarks" shoes, to give myself that feeling that I bought some good quality shoes. They are damn, damn comfortable. It's a tad on the casual side (as opposed to the business side), but I imagine they should be fine for work. Hell, I walk enough, I should have comfortable shoes. And thus the rationalization continues.
Also went to Sil' Vous Play, and saw the Lebron's for $99.99. So close to buying it, but cooler (cheaper?) heads prevailed. I am, afterall, waiting for the Nike Shox VC4 to go on sale to complete my collection. Plus, my birfday is coming, and I may get a surprise, although I never expect it.
Speaking of my birfday, it's gonna be a Peking Duck celebration! YA! drool drool drool I've been thinking about it for a long while. So to start it off, I went to a cheap Chinese buffet for lunch today for some good ol' chicken balls. Love them chicken balls.
Maria Le, a PHI in Mississauga got engaged this past weekend. Her wedding is in May; of THIS year. wtf? Funniest line came from Beata: "it's gonna take me longer to train for a marathon in May, and she is getting married in a shorter amount of time." Apparently though, Maria has been planning it for a while (she is 30), and just waiting for the ring. Congrats to her.
My eye is still twitching. Hope work isn't getting too much to me.
Sharon's last day at Eli Lilly today, and starts Altana on Monday. You go girl!
Please Jason, start training seriously for your 10K. Great, resort to talking to yourself on a blog. Yikes.

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